I'm not a fan of talking politics, and I only really pay attention when it's time for an election. However, I do vote- I research and analyze my choices and do feel that I make an educated decision. I just wouldn't say I'm hard-core.
I'm Republican *shock* and my Husband is a Democrat. This leads to some interesting discussion and sometimes arguments. I would say that I'm liberal, and yes I believe you can be a liberal Republican. There is only one main issue that I disagree with Republicans on- and that is gay marriage. Sure, whatever, if you don't want to use the term "marriage" because of the religious implications- fine. But they deserve the same rights as a marriage. PERIOD.
Moving on. I'm Republican. I've said it. But if it comes down to Clinton/McCain, I'm voting for Hillary. (I know you're clapping, Tree). The most important thing to me in this campaign- above all my other convictions that probably won't be changed in the next four years, is that we make every effort to remove ourselves from Iraq. I realize it won't happen overnight, but I truly believe every effort should be made to bring home as many troops as possible and keep as few there as possible while finishing what we need to finish. McCain feels very strongly that we do not have enough troops there. He'd like to send more troops to Iraq. I repeat that because it is SO disappointing to me.
It would appear that the Democratic party will have my vote again in the coming political election. I know, I know- it's no one's business who anyone votes for. But I'm not a super polite rule-follower and I'm telling you regardless of whether I should or not.
If you are a super polite, hush hush, rule follower and don't want to specifically say who you're voting for- please comment and at least say where you stand currently. (I posted this blog on my myspace, I highly doubt anyone will comment here. Matter of fact, I doubt anyone will there either lol)
A place to display my creativity (or lack thereof) and purge my erratic emotions....
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
New Acrylic Layout

First time using acrylic on an actual layout (I've used it on a card before). I like how it turned out, but I'm surprised I picked such neutral colors. I've been loving the bold colors lately, but I was working with my Studio Calico kit again and this is just how it went ;)
I'm sick! I hate it, I was sick yesterday too. Doc says it's an upper resp. infection so she gave me some pills to kick it. I hope it's gone soon, I can't hear a dang thing because I'm so congested!! I hate being sick!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Happy Birthday To Me

I'm 29 now. Goodness, how time flies. Seriously, you hear that when you're younger and you're like- yeah, right. But it's so true, and the older you get the quicker it goes. One year and I'm 30! 30! That's freakin madness. It feels like yesterday that I got my license. Wasn't I just turning 21 and hanging out of a car, throwing up in the parking lot of the Blind Pig? *sorry for the visual*
I think part of the reason it seems to be going by so fast is because my biological clock is ticking like a time bomb right about now. Please, Lord, please let me get pregnant this year. If it doesn't happen soon I'll be at their graduation with my walker and Tom will be completely gray. <--not to call you out on that little gray patch, dearie, I've got a streak myself.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Heath Ledger Died Yesterday.....

Sunday, January 20, 2008
New Layout Finally

Went to my best friend Dawn's house to crop tonight and actually churned out a page- whatd'ya know? lol. Used my new Studio Calico kit- just joined their monthly club and so far it seriously rocks. I almost hate to post this because it was before I got my tooth fixed (hence the witch-like missing tooth) but I love how it turned out so I have to.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Ain't No Other Man
Okay, so I suck. Maybe I'll do Project 52 and do one a week? Seems more do-able. Till then, folks, a funny video interpretation (you know I love these) from a fellow blogger-
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Day Nine

Today I had the best political debate with one of my best friends, Teresa. It was through email, and it was just hilarious. She's embarrased by my choice of political party (Republican). She's got crazy love for Mrs Hillary so she's all over me on my viewpoints- it's too funny.
In other news, I picked up a bottle of Chromium Picolinate. It's a small dose, but I'll take it in the morning since I take my Metformin at night and hopefully it will help. I just took a 10 day dose of Provera to stop a 6 week period, and that induced and even heavier period so *tmi warning* my uterus is all clear. Let's hope it triggers ovulation :) If not, our insurance finally changed over to Blue Cross- so I'll be making an appt with a reproductive endocrinologist. We're getting this thing going, I want a baby in '08!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Day Eight

I'm sitting here watching the Biggest Loser and tomorrow I'm going to Weight Watchers after work. I'm not entirely sure I should do Weight Watchers again, because I really should be low carbing it, but WW is way easier to handle (thinking long term). Low carb works for me, works for the insulin resistance and pcos, but I just can't do it anymore. So here's to tomorrow :) Wish me luck......
Monday, January 07, 2008
Day Seven

Sunday, January 06, 2008
Day Five

Did a little shopping with my two best girlfriends today. I picked up some of the MM Noteworthy and MM Love story collection, the Basic Grey precision file set, cardstock and Basic Grey Undressed mini chipboard letters- the "sweets" font. I put that giftcard from Santa to good use. Yesterday I picked up some of the new stamps at Michaels- spring/Easter and Valentine's sets, an acrylic set that was on clearance that they let me use a coupon on (sweet!) as well as a Martha Stewart acrylic set that was on clearance for 3.99. Good shopping weekend, and all dirt cheap.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Day Four

Yaay! My first kit ever! Studio Calico and it came today (of course it would be the pic of the day). I've never tracked anything so closely from UPS. I'm already into all goodies and being inspired. This kit is packed with all kinds of goodness. I'm going to Dawn's for a scrapfest on Sunday so this will surely be ripped into.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Day Three

My Dad got me this bad boy for Christmas. I just got it today as it was delayed in shipping. Awesome, awesome, awesome gift and perfect for this challenge- I can take that thin thing anywhere. I absolutely love it (thanks Dad) and will be spending hours upon hours getting the most out of it and figuring everything out.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Day Two

I wanted to get a couple pics of the decorations before they're removed for the year :( Makes me sad. This is dh's Grandmother's nativity set. It was given to us when she passed away, and we put it out every year. I just think it's neat that we have something in our home that dh's father had in his home when he was a child.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Day One
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