First let me touch on last week's amazing deals. I mean seriously. AMAZING week if you're a couponer ppl. Let me show you (or feel free to skip ahead to this week's so you can get in on the goodness)...
-Robitussin- got paid $7.50 for every 3 I took off their shelves. Caught wind of this deal late in the week so I was only in for 3 transactions- but that means I got paid $22.50 for picking up 9 bottles of Robitussin. YES, you read that right.
-Free Always Infinity. In for four boxes. These require using your extra care card.
Target (hello, lover)
-Purina Dog Chow -crap but doogie likes it-
20lb bags for $3.50 each. Would explain but it's over so what's the use? In for 6 bags (would have bought more but DH protested when I wanted to go to Target yet again)
K-Mart (I know...ewww... but I thought that when I was 16 and now I'm almost 30 with a mortgage so I'll brave the mess) In about 3 trips- I got $430 worth of stuff for about $45 out of pocket. How, you ask? Read on...
DOUBLE COUPONS up to $2. That means a $2 coupon is worth $4 off. There was free stuff aplenty! I'll list a few of the highlights-
-FREE Dove Shampoo/Conditioner
-FREE Dove Body Wash
-FREE Bottled Water (Nestle)
-FREE Lipton Tea
-FREE Tylenol
-FREE Advil
-FREE Glade sprays
-FREE Vegetable Steamers (I think they're Green Giant)
-FREE Ore Ida Steam and Mash (new potato thing)
-FREE Endust
-FREE Scrubbing Bubbles
-FREE Resolve Carpet Cleaner
-FREE Glade Carpet Deoderizer
-FREE Ronzoni Pasta
-.99 Bags of cat food (the 3.5lb bag of Goodlife Recipe- in for 5 bags)
-2 for $1 Revlon Hair Dye
-2 for $1 Revlon eyeshadows and lipglosses
-.99 Almay Makeup remover wipes (love these!)
-.50 Pillsbury Ready to bake cookies
-.75 Ragu
-.75 bags of Halloween candy (like the real deal, no cheap crap)
and a ton of other cheap stuff to be had
NOW -----something more useful to you----- THIS WEEK'S DEALS
-Free oral-b toothbrushes
-Free just for men hair dye (you into that?)
-Free stuff for kids
(you do need ECB to make these officially free, but if you spend the $10 to make an initial purchase- I'll give ya stuff to use it on next week to keep the freebies coming)
-FREE Excedrin- no ECB needed. They're on sale for $1.99, use $2 coupon that came out this weekend. Free baby, free.
-Free Pert Plus (Dh likes this crap) use the monthly easy saver coupon (found in store) combined with the manufacturer coupon in this weeks paper. Yes, you can do that- it tells you in the Walgreen's ad this week to do it. FREE! Free is good, my friends.
-Free Sally Hansen Nailpolish
-Free Scotchbrite Nailsaver Sponges
-Free Celestial Seasonings Tea
-Free Whisker Lickins Cat treats
-Free Cottonelle Toilet Paper
-.35cent Sizzle and Serve Armour sausages
-$1 Energizer batteries (4 pack)
-$1.50 Poptarts (try the chocolate chip one..mmmm)
These are all with coupons that came out recently (most are THIS WEEK. Buy a newspaper- get freebies....pretty simple)
I know there are more freebies to be had but I haven't got my plan going for the week yet (behind!). Heads up.... K-Mart will be doubling again starting the 26th. Rumors are that either A) they're going out of business and trying to get rid of stock or B) they're making one last ditch effort at getting back some momentum. If it's B, it's working- I haven't seen that many ppl in K-Mart since I was a kid! Anyway- go get your free toilet paper and cat treats!!