A place to display my creativity (or lack thereof) and purge my erratic emotions....
Sunday, December 31, 2006
This Is It
It's Christmas :) This time next year, I will be different. I know there are thousands of people who are going to make the same New Year's resolution that I will make. But I am going to do this.
I'm 27, will be 28 in January. This means I have 2 years until I'm officially in my thirties. I have always wanted to at least spend a little bit of time in my twenties as a thin girl. As someone who goes out and gets what she wants. Not that I can't have that fat, but I want to be thin. I want to feel free and wild and like a sexy young woman. I want to go out and not feel too embarrassed to dance. I want men to look at me (this is a big thing for me as I feel like it's part of the reason I stay heavy).
January 1st will be my start date. It's a Monday, so that fits perfectly because I have a thing with starting a diet on any other day. This is not a 'diet' though, I am changing. My plan is to follow Weight Watchers. Friday nights I will be allowed to go on date night and enjoy a meal with my husband. I will have one regular Coke with that meal, maybe a cocktail, but I will then go immediately back to diet beverages.
I will set up a plan. I do want to lose as quickly as possible, that's obvious, but I will set realistic goals as well. I will reward myself with non-food items. I will acknowledge that I am losing weight, and that my body looks different when it starts too. I will not allow myself to look at myself in the same light, therefore allowing myself to go back to unhealthy habits.
This, seriously, is it. I'm doing it. No more bullshit.
Sunday, December 24, 2006

These are my Oreo Balls. Got the recipe from 2Peas and I just love how they turned out. They were a huge success at dh's cookie exchange at work, he said the girls in the office were just raving about them. Yay :) So I'm making them to take to everyone's houses for Christmas. I just bought 4 more packages of Oreo's today, and tomorrow will be spent making these again and wrapping the few presents we were able to purchase.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Another cool thing? The entire customer service department is pink. PINK! Pink paint on the walls, and the cubicles mentioned are a deeper pink. Even our bosses office (he's male, mind you) is pink. Now, if I were reading this I'd imagine a pepto-bismol looking nightmare, but that's really not what it's like. It's softer. Prettier.
So far the people are really nice. There isn't anyone I could see myself hanging out with too often, but that can be a good thing. I get so attached to people and I'm not the greatest when it comes to sticking with a place for too long. Empire was the longest I'd lasted in one place in a while. I just get bored with everything. Once I'm bored and irritated, putting up with a vast array of shit no longer appeals to me and I end up quitting. That's why I so desperately want to be back in school this semester but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. We owe them since we technically got our student loan last semester but didn't stay through the whole semester (the wedding and everything). So it'll have to be next semester when we're back on our feet.
I'm supposed to meet up with our photographer today to pick up the wedding pictures. Well, part of them. We're picking up the cd of pictures right now, but getting the actual prints and dvd in a couple weeks. Hopefully I can get them and get the thank you cards sent out which should have been out a while ago. But we have that one special pic we're using, so we had to wait.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I start tomorrow at 8. 8-5 Mon-Fri. Perfect schedule. Should be getting home just before DH but I have to go in hours before him. I have to leave the house at 7. He leaves at 9:30. The luxury of having your best friend as your boss.
I'm nervous and excited. I wasn't the first choice. He interviewed 3 people and chose someone else before me because this person had experience in the same field. But apparently they're not working out or something because he called the temp agency back and wanted me.
The pay is really good. Really good. Benefits are good as well, Blue Cross/Blue Shield but I'd have to wait for them to kick in after being hired on. Someone from Ajilon (the temp service) is coming to the office on Thursday to go over insurance information and direct deposit information with me. Which I find kind of odd, but cool that I don't have to go out to their office again.
I'm so excited. Will still try to update everyday :)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006

It is practically raining leaves outside right now and our puppy Percival is galloping around trying to catch them as they fall. It occured to me while watching that I haven't posted a pic of him yet, and we actually got him before the wedding as an early wedding present from Tom's parents. He's a handful, wow, is he ever. He demands so much attention and is into everything imaginable. I'd forgotten what it is like to have a puppy. He's a ton of work, but man he's cute and worth it....
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006

Felt really good to finally get this completed. Hopefully it will mean a lot to his family. There are 85 of us over at Two Peas doing this tribute album, and I think it will turn out nicely. I hope that the journaling is visible on here, if not I'll come back and add it as I won't be keeping the original copy. First layout I've ever completed for another person's album, but I thought it was so important, I had to do it. I know if my father had passed away and I got to look through a bunch of photos of how he touched others' lives, I would love it, so hopefully they will too. Or at least it will bring a bit of comfort maybe.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006

I had to go and pay for the retreat we're going to this weekend in Livonia, so since the Scrapbook Zone is only ten minutes from there, I had to stop in. I didn't have long because I was on my way to class, but boy did I do some damage. They had EVERYTHING! And good prices. Rhonna Ferrar stamps for only $14.99! The place is huge and they have a dollar section. Another bonus? Coupons every month. Yeah buddy. I'm all over that place. I've found my new favorite LSS. (Of course I'll still be visiting my other faves lol)
Monday, September 11, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ok, as much as I hate (absolutely despise) Tom Cruise...... his daughter is just gorgeous!!! And doesn't Katie look just great in this photo? I'll have to go dig up the ones of Brad and Angelina's baby because I just love them and it wouldn't be right to showcase Tom-who-I-hate 's baby if not showing beautiful Shiloh :)
Now Shiloh is one cute baby! Look at those lips! Ooh, also wanted to add this here for the future generations. Gas is finally back down! After reaching the all time high of $3.05 around here this summer, we're finally back to a much better $2.48. Still a ripoff. I'm only 27, but when I started driving at 16 gas was like $1.05 a gallon. You could put $3 and be good for a few days lol. You're lucky now if that will take you to the next city.
Monday, September 04, 2006

Steve Irwin, the Crocadile Hunter, was killed today while filming a series about the Ocean's Deadliest. He was hit by a stingray barb in the chest and it struck his heart. What a tragedy, he was so full of life and loved what he did. At least that's some comfort. He died totally in his element. Rest in Peace.
There are a few worldly things I'd want to take care of. As in, bring the troops home, end hunger...that kind of thing. But if I'm thinking more personally, then I would get my brother out of the slump he's currently in. He's at a low point right now and he just needs a good bit of help to get him out of it. I'd also hook my mom up with all kinds of good stuff. She is an awesome, awesome person and deserves only the best. She really does not give herself enough credit. She's like an angel on earth. Such a huge heart.
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Yeah buddy, it's football season! Last year we went to the Homecoming game, and we were wanting to go so badly to the Michigan/Ohio State game this year, but unfortunately it's not gonna happen. I love Michigan Football. I think it came from the years growing up where we'd visit Aunt Ronda and Uncle Jim. There would always be a Michigan game on, or a Michigan decal on the patio door, license plates....the works without being tacky. Uncle Jim and then my cousin Jimmy (his son) attended U of M. I think this is the reason I've always wanted to attend myself- I never actually thought I'd be close though. But, right now I'm rockin a 4.0 so hopefully I can at least keep it close to that and be able to transfer in a few years with no problems whatsoever. The thought makes me want to jump for joy. I mean, there isn't really a feeling that compares to being at a college football game. Even if you don't go there, if it's your team, you enter with a huge sense of pride. It's almost overwhelming. Go Blue!!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Ooh I love the interesting questions.... I am now at the ripe old age of 27. I thought by now my life would include a husband, and two little kiddies. I thought I'd be a stay at home mom, with a small side job that was more meaningful than necessary. I'll never forget a lady at work asking me one day what my goal was in life -and when I responded with 'I want to be a stay at home mom' -she laughed and said 'honey, that's not a goal'. There were a few that came to my defense, and I do honestly believe it is a goal. It's something that you have to fight hard for. In this day and age, families are barely making it on two incomes, let alone one. So I do think it's a goal. I want my children raised by me. If that means I have to cut back on this high speed internet connection, and on the frivolous things I purchase, then so be it.
Alas, it is not heading the way I'd planned. Tom and I have spent many, many nights discussing this. He just doesn't think we'd be able to make it. He wants to be able to provide our children with things we'd missed out on- vacations every year, the newest clothes, the best cars. He's not a very materialistic person, but it's important to him that our children don't miss out on that kind of thing, so we're trying to meet halfway. It's such a hard thing to back down from what you've wanted all along. I love our parents, but I don't want our children raised by them. I want them raised by us.
I'm not saying I wanted to stay home for their entire lives. Just until they were all safely in school during the day. Then I'd go back to work and be a teacher. But it doesn't appear that is going to happen. I mean, who knows, right? Maybe, down the line, we will be in a financial place where we can do that. We are just preparing for that not being the case. Not that I think our incomes will be amazing as teachers. But at least there will be two of them.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
So Dr McKeand was talking to us about how we grow up hearing certain types of language and how it's natural for us to use that same vocabulary. Interesting. Will start to work on bringing my vocabulary back up to par because otherwise I'm in for a world of trouble. Lol, words like worsh or ain't. Sorry mom, love you, but you use them alot ;) She was also talking to us about how deep, analytical thinkers write better. This absolutely makes sense. I've been so caught up in internet and chat writing for the past few years that I've really let my thoughts just turn to mush. I just don't think you get as deep usually on the internet. Lots of words like LOL and not so many good words like omniscient or ubiquitous. Mmm. Those are two of my favorite words. Say them aloud.....don't they just sound awesome?
Anyway, she wants us to start thinking about our mini-research paper that she's having us do to prepare for the 132 course. She's very cool in that she wants us to write something that we feel strongly about, assuming we'll write better when it's something important to us. Absolutely true. I'm not sure what I'm choosing yet, but I've tossed a couple of ideas around. Stem cell research, breast cancer awareness, the lack of good health benefits in the US, Walmart and how I wish they'd go under with all their evil practices, why with all our technology no one can come up with a pill to make you lose 100 pounds overnight.......you know, the important things.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
People started to arrive, and of course I was meeting everyone at the door and introducing my mom to his family and his mom to mine. Had to pop an ativan to get through that one. I was really so nervous. It was horrible at first, and then I finally started to loosen up a bit. We played a couple games, which were really fun. Actually, the game that Rhonda thought that no one would like- everyone loved. They had a lot of fun with that one.
The food was so good. And there was so much of it. Chicken, ham, mostacolli, salad, bread and rolls, corn, veggies, fruits, cheesy potatoes, buttered red potatoes and the deserts were insane. Chris' mom made our cake....beautiful...will add pics. On top of that, we had three different kinds of brownies, 3 cheesecakes, pineapple upside down cake, apple pie, banana bread w/ cream cheese, ambrosia. It was just endless.
As were the presents. I swear it must have taken me so long to open all of them! But they played Bingo while I was doing it, so at least that took off some of the pressure. Rhonda wanted me standing up (NO!) and kept coming to tell me that no one could see me and they were complaining. Debbie Laginess (not cousin Deb of course) actually stuck up for me and said, hey, it's your shower, you do what you want. I swear, if I'd have had to open them standing up I'd have probably passed out. Seriously.
There were probably about 50 people there. The guys came at the end and we got pictures with them and everything. I need to go into the gifts and post some pics but I am beat. Will update tomorrow.....
Friday, August 18, 2006
1.What was your favorite summer event? The Taylor fireworks. It's the one fireworks set that we all get together for and never miss. Much fun.
2.Favorite picture of the summer? This one I took of my best friends' daughter Shannon. What a little angel...
3.Favorite movie of the summer? Click, for sure. I'll say it again, see this movie!
4.Best song of the summer? Mmmmm.... good question. I'm a music nut so there's probably a ton of songs I loved this summer. But, I can name a summer fave - Kenny Chesney's Summertime.
5.Did you go on vacation, where? Unfortunately no. We were planning on at least going camping at Lake Michigan like last year but Tom ended up going back to work before we worked anything out.
I'm so excited! I reserved my room at the Hyatt for CKU-Detroit! I've never been to a CKU so I had to jump all over that. It's in April and I can not wait. I hope I don't somehow miss registration. That's my luck. Wouldn't that just stink!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
2 Peas challenge: If you could go back in time, what moment in your life would you like to re-live?
Wow. What a thought provoking question. There is one moment from my childhood where I hurt my grandmother's feelings that I wish I could go back and change. But I can't write about it without having a mini-breakdown, crying jag so I'll think of something else. Probably the day I decided I'd had enough and dropped out of school. I thought I was so smart and I would never regret it. But, of course, I do. I went back for my G.E.D. and got that, but it's not the same. I wish I would have stuck it out and went to college right from high school. Being in college now, while taking care of a billion other responsibilities is HARD.
In other news-
My bridal shower is Sunday. I'm really, really getting excited. And nervous because I really don't like opening gifts in front of people. :) Guess I don't really have a choice!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
This poor guy has been hanging around our house for a while now. He would disappear for a few days and then come back. He was clean and everything, but something wasn't right about how often he was outside. Well, he hadn't shown up in a few days and so we decided he must have went home. But here he was again three days ago.
Poor thing was just starving. We fed him and kinda kept an eye out to see if he was heading anywhere else too. We brought him in today and got him cleaned up. He slept most of the day, then checked out the house and the restroom facilities (hehe) before trying to get close with Sabre. Hopefully they will be good friends.
My father also said that tomorrow is the day. Please God. Please. We could all really use that.
Friday, August 11, 2006
This is probably the most exciting thing that's happened to me this year (being that Tom proposed at the end of last year lol)..... So, he's working at the magazine now with Greg. He's a project coordinator -did I blog about this at all?- I forget. Well, regardless, he's been there for a few weeks now. He's really doing well and enjoys it immensely. Much better than sweating his butt off in two shirts at good ole ProCoil. Anywho. Polo's and khaki's are his current deal, and he's really digging that.
Okay, we're at the bar for John's birthday and Tom mentions to Greg that I'm supremely jealous because he's working at a magazine and I've always wanted to write for one. Greg offers me a deal to write a few articles. I'm thinking 'okay, he's drunk, he won't even remember this on Monday'..... low and behold, the next week, his editor sends a package home with Tom including two projects (assignments), a deadline, and a contract. Can I cuss here? It's mine, right? Holy Shit!
Never thought I would have an opportunity like this and I'm totally doubting myself. I mean, I've become so used to 'internet writing'.....you know what I mean, where it's all casual and funny and you don't really check that everything is precisely right. So jumping back into writing the way it's supposed to be done is going to be jarring. Who knows if I might bust in on an article with a LOL! Wouldn't that be embarrassing for my editor to see? Wow. That in itself is awesome. Saying 'my editor'. She's not mine, but she's editing my work so I guess I can say that?
The contract is currently only for two projects, but hopefully if she doesn't have to totally re-write everything I send in, there will be more. This is beyond exciting. What a crazy opportunity. I never thought I'd have one of those 'it's good to know people' moments...... but this is as close as I'll ever get. THANKS A BILLION GREG! And thanks Tom for having the faith in me to even suggest it. You never stop amazing me. I love you.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
2 Peas challenge: what is your favorite restaurant, and what makes it great?
My absolute favorite restaurant is Olive Garden. MMM, the breadsticks, the salad.... I don't get anything crazy or special either. I get spaghetti using penne noodles and meatballs. Oh, and a couple strawberry daquiris. No one makes one better. No one.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Very cool to have Greg and Lisa come out too. Great, awesome people. Greg is one of Tom's best friends and the director of operations at the publishing company Tom now works for. He's loving it and they have big plans on branching out. Tom even brought up my writing to Greg to see if I could free lance for the magazine/book. Too cool. I'm going to do a couple free articles to have my name published and then take it from there. Awesome oppurtunity. But it was good to see them in general as I hadn't since Superbowl 04.
Towards the end of the night, Tom showed Greg a pic of Fenny on his phone.... and then John kept apologizing to us for the loss and I couldn't help but get choked up again. I've cried alot the past four days, and it seems like everything makes me miss Fenny. While Tom's at work, the house feels so SO empty. Even little Sabre noticed that Fenny was missing and goes through the house letting out little 'meows'. Damn does it hurt.
Anyway, it was good to get out of the house last night and get it off my mind a little. And John, if you ever read this, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I'm texting your wifey right now to find out if I won the bet. I know you got sick, I know it. So you owe me $5 punk!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Our Fenny dog passed away sometime overnight. I woke up at 6:45 to check on him as he had a rough night and he was gone. Thankfully, Tom had gone in the middle of the night into the den to lay down with him. Our baby, who last night could barely lift his head up, managed to turn himself all the way around and had his head next to Tom's pillow.
I sobbed and sobbed last night and then again this morning. Really, he's in a better place. He's running around, fully mobile, barking and playing with his rope baby. He's in no pain. But my God, even knowing that, I am hurting. Crushed. he was so young, we were gonna have him still while having babies and going through life, planned on him being around for a long time.
................ RIP baby
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
2 Peas challenge: whats your biggest fear?
I saw that this was the challenge this morning but I couldn't bring myself to answer. I could say the regular answers that I have for this question. Which I am afraid of -- 1. That I'll never be able to have biological children 2. That someone will break into my house and murder me (I know, morbid)
But really, my biggest fear right now is that my life is not headed in the direction it is supposed to be. That things aren't going the way fate is wanting them to. That's scary. Especially considering the things going on in my life right now are huge. Getting married. Working on my degree. I know that we make our own choices, but I do believe in fate.
I can't get into it further than that, because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But that's my biggest fear.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
{Yeah, I took that pic.....obsessed, clearly}
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
It was not a good weekend for Fenris. Not at all. Even with central air, he'd much rather be downstairs on the concrete than up here with us. It's hot, so I understand, I just want to keep an eye on him. I got a refill today on his Rx so I needed him to come upstairs, get some water, take his pill, use the bathroom. Basic things. He is hardly eating.
I had to carry him upstairs. He's lost weight because he's so sick, but he still weighs a good 90 or so pounds and I had to half carry, half drag him which made me feel horrible. I finally get him up here and lure him with an all beef hotdog to take his pill. He absolutely refused to eat it, and this is a dog that will usually jump all over an ice cube, let alone a piece of hot dog. He went to his hiding spot under the table (although a dog that big can never really 'hide') and I had to put his water bowl under his face to get him to drink from it.
I had one hell of a time with those pills. I finally had to open his mouth and force him to take them. He dies without them, so it wasn't an option. Although, I'm beginning to think we really need to let him do that. When he's not eating, can barely walk...... I think it's time we let him go. But we can't bring ourselves to take him in and have him put to sleep.
That's the messed up part. He'll go a few days like this where I just think he's in too much pain and it is better for him if we put him to sleep, and then he'll get this crazy burst of energy. He'll be back to his happy self for a week or more and then we'll have a few more days like this. So I can't make myself take him in, knowing that he might have a few more happy days if we keep him here.
But God, this is killing both of us. I get down on the floor with him and just hold him and cry. He's my baby, and I hate that he is going through this. He's only 4 years old! Why him? We got him from the pound, three years ago, he was already full grown and we were really looking for a puppy. We saw him in that cage, so sad looking, but so big and strong.........and we were drawn to him. We left, thinking we'd come back another day, but on the way home we started talking about him, and I started bawling and we turned around and went back.
He was neutered already so we only had to pay $10 to bring him home. $10!! It was a running joke with us that that was the best $10 we'd ever spent because he is the BEST DOG either of us has ever owned. Never once, even on days we'd be stuck at work for hours after normal, never once did he go to the bathroom in the house. There were times where I'd have expected him to. It has happened one time since he's been sick, but that's because of the pills. Other than that, never.
He loves having visitors. Loves my brother, my sister and my mom and can't get enough of Tom's nephew and Dad. And the relationship he has with our cat is absolutely amazing. They are so close. It's going to break my heart when he goes. I know it won't be long, the lymphoma is really starting to take over, but I just wish there could be a different outcome.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I do want to be a teacher. I knew if I never got married, or if something happened and I couldn't have children -which may be the case- that I would be a teacher. But there's still this big part of me that doesn't want to work while my kids aren't in school. I want our children to be raised by us. Now, both of our parents are more than willing to babysit while we're at work. So they'd have people we trust watching them. But I just want to have them with me.
I don't know. I'm not in the situation right now because I don't have any children and I'm not pregnant, but it just weighs heavily on my mind at times. So anyone who's a stay at home mom, what are your secrets? How do you make it work as a family, income wise? Tom's worried that we'd never be able to go on family vacations or have a nice home........ I'd rather struggle if it means I can raise my kids myself, but he does not want to struggle at all. So what do I do........I could use some advice ladies......
The night before we went to the fireworks. We go every year, it's our thing, but for some reason, John didn't answer his phone once we got there. I'd left mine in the car and didn't know Dawn's by heart so we were kinda screwed. Normally we arrive together so we don't have that problem. Oddly enough, there were a ton of other people there that we know but didn't see. My brother and his girlfriend - who ran into his ex, ouch- my cousin brian and his fiance- and one of my bridesmaids who we did end up running into on the way out. All in all it was fun, I just wish we'd have found them. Then John leaves Chris a nasty voicemail and Tom got kinda pissed and called him out on it but it blew over........
Anyway, I don't really have much to say today.... but here's the 2peas challenge-
challenge: do you watch movies or listen to music while scraping? what are some of your favorites? I try to listen to music, but normally if Tom is still awake then he's watching something like 'Cold Case Files' so I listen to that. I feel entirely more creative when listening to my tunes though so I may have to bring in my mp3 player and rock out. I love a lot of different music but lately it's been the Postal Service, Staind, Angels and Airwaves and Anna Nalick. Kenny Chesney too of course. Always. I'd marry that dude for his voice, let alone the fact that he's FREAKING GORGEOUS!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I can not wait for that day. I want children like nothing I've ever wanted before. I think knowing I might not be able to have them makes me long even more. Tom has been so amazing about that. We're going to start trying as soon as we're married, but if all else fails, we're going to adopt. I think it takes a very big person to adopt a child, and I am so so happy I'm with someone who's willing to do that.
I seriously want five or six kids. Tom wanted 2 lol. I've convinced him though to have 4. Especially if we're both teaching and I'm doing photography on the side (I hope I get that good). I can not wait. I want tons of babies and kiddies running around the house making crazy noise and chaos. I want to hear 'mom, mom, mom, MOM' from a bunch of little ones who I want my attention. I want to see Tom as a father. He is going to be amazing. AMAZING.
2 Peas Challenge- I'm loving this topic.....
challenge: Do you have any pet peeves? what really gets under your skin?
Oh, I have many pet peeves lol. Well, okay not many. In fact, it takes a lot to get me irritated, but once I'm there- watch out. Pet peeves.
- when people are not considerate enough to pull over for an ambulance. Get a grip, there's nothing going on in your life that is THAT important, that you can't pull over for someone who may be dying.
- people in the grocery store who park their carts in the middle of the aisle, blocking the whole thing, and have the nerve to get frustrated when you say 'excuse me'
- most of the kids in our neighborhood are good, but there are a bunch of little helians that will just like stand in the middle of the road, or skate in the middle of the road and won't move for you to drive by. Hello! I'm in a truck that weighs a ton and you probably weigh 80 pounds soaking wet, so move your ass. Some kids don't realize you're there, and that's fine, but when it's blatant disregard, like the little devil that stuck his foot out to make me think I was going to run it over- I want to get out of my truck and slap someone. Not that I'm that violent.
That's pretty much all I've got right now. We're headed up to the school now to fix Tom's student loan stuff. Hopefully that won't take all day :)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I must begin today by saying that everyone needs to go see Click. I saw it last night with Chris and Tom and I have to say it's one of the best movies I have ever seen. Definitely nabbed a spot in my top 5, for sure. Certain movies kind of change your life, and this is one of those. Funny as hell too. I know that Superman is out and that Pirates 2 is coming out, but do make an extra trip to the theatre to see Click.
In other news. I read this morning that North Korea launched 10 missiles yesterday. Nice. Why we're over fighting in Iraq (where no weapons of mass destruction have been found) when N. Korea is blatantly taunting the world, I have no idea. I also learned a new word while reading this article......... impenitent. Lovin it. Will have to use it myself here and make everyone think I'm so super smart. I'm sure my brother, especially, would get a kick out of it.
So I'm going to do the 2 Peas challenge and then take my butt to the dress store (finally).........
challenge: are you a thrill seeker? what 'daring' things would you love to do? I wouldn't say I'm a thrill seeker necessarily, I do like fun stuff but I hold back alot because of my weight. Like, as much as I'd love to go to Cedar Point this summer, I absolutely refuse. Why, you ask? Because one of my greatest fears is getting on a ride, only to have them not be able to close the thing and make me get off. It's happened. Well, not to me. But to a friends hubby who shall remain nameless so as not to embarass him. But it was horrible. However, I do want to skydive on the honeymoon. Will I get Tom to partake in that little adventure? Um, probably not. He's one of the most non-thrill seekers I've ever met lol. But I'll still do it. I think it'd be sweet. Of course, I have to lose weight before then first. Otherwise they wouldn't have a big enough suit thing. heh.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

2 Peas blogging challenge for July 4th...: Do you have an traditions that you do every 4th of July? or what do you enjoy most about the 4th of July?
I'm so excited about it being July 4th. Growing up, we would always barbeque at our house and hang out, and even after we'd moved out, we still headed back to mom's. But last year, we decided that the 4th would be a 'friends holiday' and we barbequed at our house for John and Dawn, their kids and Chris and Jules. I really wish that is what we were doing this year, but so far, no one has mentioned anything. In fact, I'm not even sure my mom is going to barbeque. Not doing anything on the 4th? That's insane. I need to call Dawn and get this going unless they already have plans.
I do know we'll be heading over to the Taylor fireworks this weekend which will be a blast! That we've done for a few years and it is so much fun. I love LOVE fireworks. And there's drinking and music set to the fireworks, so who could ask for more lol.
But of course, there are alot of people in the US right now that could ask for more. Like parents of soldiers in Iraq. I fully 100% support the soldiers but I do not support the war and think Bush is an idiot. This is not to say that we shouldn't retaliate after 9/11, for sure we needed to, but with the right people. I think when our children and grandchildren are reading history books about this time, it's going to say something along the lines of 'biggest mistake a US President has ever made'. And that's coming from a Republican. Anyway, Godspeed to the soldiers there. I hope they all make it home safely and have some sparklers or bottle rockets or something over there to remind them of home.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
-share what's going on with me
-post photos
-discuss my hobbies (photography, reading, scrapbooking)
Really I just want to purge. :)