2 Peas blogging challenge for July 4th...: Do you have an traditions that you do every 4th of July? or what do you enjoy most about the 4th of July?
I'm so excited about it being July 4th. Growing up, we would always barbeque at our house and hang out, and even after we'd moved out, we still headed back to mom's. But last year, we decided that the 4th would be a 'friends holiday' and we barbequed at our house for John and Dawn, their kids and Chris and Jules. I really wish that is what we were doing this year, but so far, no one has mentioned anything. In fact, I'm not even sure my mom is going to barbeque. Not doing anything on the 4th? That's insane. I need to call Dawn and get this going unless they already have plans.
I do know we'll be heading over to the Taylor fireworks this weekend which will be a blast! That we've done for a few years and it is so much fun. I love LOVE fireworks. And there's drinking and music set to the fireworks, so who could ask for more lol.
But of course, there are alot of people in the US right now that could ask for more. Like parents of soldiers in Iraq. I fully 100% support the soldiers but I do not support the war and think Bush is an idiot. This is not to say that we shouldn't retaliate after 9/11, for sure we needed to, but with the right people. I think when our children and grandchildren are reading history books about this time, it's going to say something along the lines of 'biggest mistake a US President has ever made'. And that's coming from a Republican. Anyway, Godspeed to the soldiers there. I hope they all make it home safely and have some sparklers or bottle rockets or something over there to remind them of home.
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