I must begin today by saying that everyone needs to go see Click. I saw it last night with Chris and Tom and I have to say it's one of the best movies I have ever seen. Definitely nabbed a spot in my top 5, for sure. Certain movies kind of change your life, and this is one of those. Funny as hell too. I know that Superman is out and that Pirates 2 is coming out, but do make an extra trip to the theatre to see Click.
In other news. I read this morning that North Korea launched 10 missiles yesterday. Nice. Why we're over fighting in Iraq (where no weapons of mass destruction have been found) when N. Korea is blatantly taunting the world, I have no idea. I also learned a new word while reading this article......... impenitent. Lovin it. Will have to use it myself here and make everyone think I'm so super smart. I'm sure my brother, especially, would get a kick out of it.
So I'm going to do the 2 Peas challenge and then take my butt to the dress store (finally).........
challenge: are you a thrill seeker? what 'daring' things would you love to do? I wouldn't say I'm a thrill seeker necessarily, I do like fun stuff but I hold back alot because of my weight. Like, as much as I'd love to go to Cedar Point this summer, I absolutely refuse. Why, you ask? Because one of my greatest fears is getting on a ride, only to have them not be able to close the thing and make me get off. It's happened. Well, not to me. But to a friends hubby who shall remain nameless so as not to embarass him. But it was horrible. However, I do want to skydive on the honeymoon. Will I get Tom to partake in that little adventure? Um, probably not. He's one of the most non-thrill seekers I've ever met lol. But I'll still do it. I think it'd be sweet. Of course, I have to lose weight before then first. Otherwise they wouldn't have a big enough suit thing. heh.
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