Thursday, July 06, 2006

My left foot swelled up like crazy yesterday. Isn't that insane? Of course, I googled swollen feet and saw 3 common causes. Pregnancy, congestive heart failure (yikes!) and obesity. Gee, wonder which one it is. Well, God, let's hope it's not congestive heart failure, huh? Shit. But I think it's cause I'm so fat and had my big butt parked in a chair where my legs were dangling for a while. I wish I could say it's cause I'm pregnant.

I can not wait for that day. I want children like nothing I've ever wanted before. I think knowing I might not be able to have them makes me long even more. Tom has been so amazing about that. We're going to start trying as soon as we're married, but if all else fails, we're going to adopt. I think it takes a very big person to adopt a child, and I am so so happy I'm with someone who's willing to do that.

I seriously want five or six kids. Tom wanted 2 lol. I've convinced him though to have 4. Especially if we're both teaching and I'm doing photography on the side (I hope I get that good). I can not wait. I want tons of babies and kiddies running around the house making crazy noise and chaos. I want to hear 'mom, mom, mom, MOM' from a bunch of little ones who I want my attention. I want to see Tom as a father. He is going to be amazing. AMAZING.

2 Peas Challenge- I'm loving this topic.....
challenge: Do you have any pet peeves? what really gets under your skin?
Oh, I have many pet peeves lol. Well, okay not many. In fact, it takes a lot to get me irritated, but once I'm there- watch out. Pet peeves.
- when people are not considerate enough to pull over for an ambulance. Get a grip, there's nothing going on in your life that is THAT important, that you can't pull over for someone who may be dying.
- people in the grocery store who park their carts in the middle of the aisle, blocking the whole thing, and have the nerve to get frustrated when you say 'excuse me'
- most of the kids in our neighborhood are good, but there are a bunch of little helians that will just like stand in the middle of the road, or skate in the middle of the road and won't move for you to drive by. Hello! I'm in a truck that weighs a ton and you probably weigh 80 pounds soaking wet, so move your ass. Some kids don't realize you're there, and that's fine, but when it's blatant disregard, like the little devil that stuck his foot out to make me think I was going to run it over- I want to get out of my truck and slap someone. Not that I'm that violent.

That's pretty much all I've got right now. We're headed up to the school now to fix Tom's student loan stuff. Hopefully that won't take all day :)

1 comment:

Sofia said...

We have kids like that in our apartment building. They are always playing in the parking lot upsupervised. It really scares me because one time when I was in the car with my mom, she hit a kid. It was so horrible, but the injuries were minor and there is nothing my mom could have done. It was a dark, foggy Halloween night and the kid was in dark clothing and just ran into the street without looking.