So I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom. That was my ultimate goal in life. To take care of my family and raise my children without putting them in day care or leaving them with a nanny. Tom doesn't think this is possible in this day and age. I disagree, but after long LONG heartfelt talks about our future, we decided that I would go back to school and become a teacher so we would have two incomes.
I do want to be a teacher. I knew if I never got married, or if something happened and I couldn't have children -which may be the case- that I would be a teacher. But there's still this big part of me that doesn't want to work while my kids aren't in school. I want our children to be raised by us. Now, both of our parents are more than willing to babysit while we're at work. So they'd have people we trust watching them. But I just want to have them with me.
I don't know. I'm not in the situation right now because I don't have any children and I'm not pregnant, but it just weighs heavily on my mind at times. So anyone who's a stay at home mom, what are your secrets? How do you make it work as a family, income wise? Tom's worried that we'd never be able to go on family vacations or have a nice home........ I'd rather struggle if it means I can raise my kids myself, but he does not want to struggle at all. So what do I do........I could use some advice ladies......
Well, don't know how much help i'll be but i'll tell you what we do. We were married for 5 years before dd was born. I got my teaching degree and taught on year in elementary art, not for me. So i was fortunate enough to get a position at the local technical college teaching (dh is a middle school teacher). So when dd was born we knew we did NOT want to put her in daycare. We were able to work it out where I went to teaching at night, so dh would come home say hi and i was off to work till 9 or 10pm. He also coaches so on games days the different grandparetns would come over when I left and stay till dh got home. It's worked out really well since I'm still able to be home with her during the day but we get a little extra income. Dd is about to start Pre-K in August and right now there are not the numbers for me to teach this quarter. So we are going to be struggling to make ends meet these next few months. Once she is in pre-k I am trying to get a day class at the college or may look into a parapro or subbing position. Both my inlaws are now retired and have offered to babysit if need be, but i'm only lookiing for things that allow me to pick her up from school.
THis turned out longer than I planned, but hope it helps!
I am teacher right now...but I don't know what I'll do when I have children either. I think I will try to take on a part time position maybe. You need to do what is in your heart. If you are meant to stay home, you will make it work!
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