Friday, August 18, 2006

2 Peas challenge: Summer questions

1.What was your favorite summer event? The Taylor fireworks. It's the one fireworks set that we all get together for and never miss. Much fun.
2.Favorite picture of the summer? This one I took of my best friends' daughter Shannon. What a little angel...
3.Favorite movie of the summer? Click, for sure. I'll say it again, see this movie!
4.Best song of the summer? Mmmmm.... good question. I'm a music nut so there's probably a ton of songs I loved this summer. But, I can name a summer fave - Kenny Chesney's Summertime.
5.Did you go on vacation, where? Unfortunately no. We were planning on at least going camping at Lake Michigan like last year but Tom ended up going back to work before we worked anything out.

I'm so excited! I reserved my room at the Hyatt for CKU-Detroit! I've never been to a CKU so I had to jump all over that. It's in April and I can not wait. I hope I don't somehow miss registration. That's my luck. Wouldn't that just stink!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

thanks for doing the challenge, great answers :) I loved 'Click' too.

congrats on CKU reservations!!