Friday, August 11, 2006

Awesome, Unbelievable opportunity............

This is probably the most exciting thing that's happened to me this year (being that Tom proposed at the end of last year lol)..... So, he's working at the magazine now with Greg. He's a project coordinator -did I blog about this at all?- I forget. Well, regardless, he's been there for a few weeks now. He's really doing well and enjoys it immensely. Much better than sweating his butt off in two shirts at good ole ProCoil. Anywho. Polo's and khaki's are his current deal, and he's really digging that.

Okay, we're at the bar for John's birthday and Tom mentions to Greg that I'm supremely jealous because he's working at a magazine and I've always wanted to write for one. Greg offers me a deal to write a few articles. I'm thinking 'okay, he's drunk, he won't even remember this on Monday'..... low and behold, the next week, his editor sends a package home with Tom including two projects (assignments), a deadline, and a contract. Can I cuss here? It's mine, right? Holy Shit!

Never thought I would have an opportunity like this and I'm totally doubting myself. I mean, I've become so used to 'internet writing' know what I mean, where it's all casual and funny and you don't really check that everything is precisely right. So jumping back into writing the way it's supposed to be done is going to be jarring. Who knows if I might bust in on an article with a LOL! Wouldn't that be embarrassing for my editor to see? Wow. That in itself is awesome. Saying 'my editor'. She's not mine, but she's editing my work so I guess I can say that?

The contract is currently only for two projects, but hopefully if she doesn't have to totally re-write everything I send in, there will be more. This is beyond exciting. What a crazy opportunity. I never thought I'd have one of those 'it's good to know people' moments...... but this is as close as I'll ever get. THANKS A BILLION GREG! And thanks Tom for having the faith in me to even suggest it. You never stop amazing me. I love you.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

WOW thats incredible!!! good luck with everything :)