Monday, January 05, 2009

Day One....So Far So Good

Well, it was good other than the fact that I could not make it through the day without a fountain soda. I seriously could not make it, it was headache city. I'd even had a cup of coffee and a Cherry Coke Zero on my lunch- no dice, I needed a regular coke. I finally succumbed and said -Okay, one a day for the first week to help the cravings. It was the craziest thing- I stopped at White Castle and got a small coke and actually shivered when I took the first drink. That's a freaking addiction people. Good gawd.

Food-wise, I did well though. I had what I wanted for dinner because I'm not eating anywhere near enough points for breakfast or lunch. I know that's not the healthiest way to do this, but that's what I want right now. But, dinner was something I made here- definitely not going for fast food.

Hopefully tomorrow will be just as good.

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