Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Day Eight

I'm sitting here watching the Biggest Loser and tomorrow I'm going to Weight Watchers after work. I'm not entirely sure I should do Weight Watchers again, because I really should be low carbing it, but WW is way easier to handle (thinking long term). Low carb works for me, works for the insulin resistance and pcos, but I just can't do it anymore. So here's to tomorrow :) Wish me luck......


Denise said...

I should return to WW, too. WW agrees with that thought, too, as they send me a reminder every day. Ugh - I hate being told to do things. Your photo is wonderful. I wish you great success on WW.

justem said...

Good luck!!! You have the motivation, which is more than I have right now!!

Barb said...

Good luck!
Love your shot for today.

Barb said...

Good luck!
Love your shot for today.

jillconyers said...

I love this mag! It has the best doable recipes. Great photo of the day!